Fieldnotes - “Stories about by thinkers, creators, and makers on- and off-the-grid from the MOFT community.”

Fieldnotes - “Stories about by thinkers, creators, and makers on- and off-the-grid from the MOFT community.”

Under the vast sky, everything is a set for Kingtoo.

Chinese freelance photographer Kingtoo takes a conscious attitude towards both her creation and life. No fancy techniques are adopted in her photographs. Instead, they are emotional storytelling photos that exude warmth. Sentiment and pursuit of perfection have enabled her to capture moments that represent beauty in real life.
For her career, she maintains self-discipline. To be constantly creative, she travels a lot, seeking inspiring moments from interesting guest houses and residential buildings as well as humane design with distinctive local characteristics. Her next stop this year will be Turkey straddling Asia and Europe. It's likely that creating on the road will be a journey for her with no end in sight because she realizes spicing up daily life will ultimately breed creativity.