Elevates All Your Devices from a Single Desk Mat
Multitasking Made Fluent at the Same Angle
Create a multi-screen ecosystem to view and organize all your devices like never before. Everything you need to focus at eye level.
Slide to Adjust The Angle
Make Viewing Even More Comfortable
Under the top layer of the mat, it's a cinch to adjust the angle to 25° or 45°-60° through sliding, satisfying all your viewing needs and making you more comfortable at your work time.
Built-in NFC Functions
Tap to Get Into Focus Mode
Two NFC hotspots are embedded in the smart mat. Each can be customized to personal preference with a wide range of apps, such as concentration apps, to keep you on track and focused.
Coupled with a Soft Leg/Wrist Cushion
Working From the Couch/Bed
The smooth leg cushion magnetically attaches below the desk mat to take your workstation to a cozy place. It doubles as a wrist support to relieve the stress on your wrist from constant typing.

With Our Two Sets of Accessories
Define Your Workspace
Let your personality shine through the shape-shifting desk mat with magnetic accessories that hold your ideas together.